I had the great honour last night of participating in an annual public lecture series put on by the Canadian Astronomical Society/Société Canadienne d’Astronomie (CASCA) and the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. It was a pretty amazing thing to see my name on the same page as the prior speakers, many of whom have served as inspirations for me, like Vera Rubin, Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, and Fiona Harrison. This evening lecture for the public (though many scientists from the CASCA meeting also attended) was the first time I’d given a full hour public lecture, since normally most public talks are around 20 minutes, and it was a real pleasure to be able to go a bit deeper into the story of black holes. On the other hand I discovered that the combination of an evening lecture and jet lag led to some funny spaced-out moments, you’ll have to watch for that! Anyway if you’re interested in a broader talk about black holes and more context around the recent Event Horizon Telescope image, this might be interesting for you.