Very soon, in August, I will have the honor to visit and use a radio dish of 30 meter diameter on Pico Vileta in the Spanish Sierra Nevada, the IRAM 30-m telescope. I will be able to use it for unraveling a long-standing mystery related to an extremely energetic object within our own Galaxy. While I have been using radio-telescope data before, this is certainly something new and exciting for me. As observational astronomers, we are taking a lot of time submitting proposals to telescopes in order to eventually get to observe our desired object. In my case, these objects were mostly very massive black holes that are extracting gravitational…
Read More >>Can flaring blazars be the origin of high-energy neutrinos?
Time: 22nd of September 2017, 20:54:30.43 Coordinated Universal Time. Location: cold Antarctica. A suspect has just activated the alarm. The panicked guards are running from monitor-to-monitor searching for a trace of the suspect. Trained hounds are being released smelling the air for familiar clues. Within 43 seconds the news has spread to investigators all over the world. What you are reading is not a prison break scene but a very rare event. It’s the detection of a subatomic particle called neutrino from an experiment located a thousand meters beneath the Antarctic surface. Most likely, the scene didn’t evolve as I described above but it would have been extremely cool if…
Read More >>Black Holes’ Dining Table: thin or thick
An international team of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project, including members from API, has announced the first results at the press conference on last Wednesday (Streaming link). The team has revealed the first ever image of the supermassive black at the heart of M87, a galaxy within the Virgo galaxy cluster, 55 million light years from Earth. This monumental image offers the glimpse of what is really going on near the event horizon, the point beyond which material (including light) never escape from the gravity of the black hole. By definition, a black hole itself is literally dark as it gobbles everything around it. However, under certain circumstances, it…
Read More >>Retreats in Academia – Team building?
Summary of the GRAPPA retreat – April 3-4 2019 Sera has organized several retreats for her group in the past. We usually bike to this picturesque farm in Weesp and spend the day in a meeting room surrounded by sheep. We use this meeting to focus and plan our research efforts, practice giving elevator/grant pitches, and discussing common challenges and how to overcome them. For a nice overview, see this excellent blog post by Tobi Beuchert. While I always thought that GRAPPA wasn’t running as smoothly as possible, I was doubtful of a “GRAPPA retreat”, but at the very least, I would finally get to know everyone. When I arrived…
Read More >>Comptonization: The Source of Blue Sky and High Energy Radiation
In today’s post I will talk about Compton scattering – a physical process by which light and matter interact. Interestingly, this process is responsible for colouring our sky and also for generating electromagnetic radiation from the most energetic phenomena in the universe. A Brief History This phenomenon was first discovered by Arthur H. Compton in 1923, for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1927. This process was also an important evidence of the particle nature of light, i.e, it proved that light (or electromagnetic radiation) exhibits particle like behaviour. In other words, if light only behaved like waves then the energy lost by light during Compton scattering could not…
Read More >>How are magnetised jets launched?
With the Event Horizon Telescope results just a few days away, I thought it would be great to discuss how exactly a jet is launched from a black hole. The thought is counter-intuitive. Black holes are depicted as these giant “vacuum cleaners” in the centre of galaxies, eating up anything that has the misfortune of venturing close to it. Black holes are nicer than that, sometimes even throwing stuff out. This “stuff” is in the form of highly magnetised plasma and travels at near light speed (hence, a “jet”), shining over many orders of magnitude in distance. Above: VLBA 2 cm image of the parsec scale jet in the galaxy…
Read More >>The coolest quasar in the Universe
In this post I thought I’d write a bit about my Master’s thesis, which eventually (thanks to a good bit of luck, as you will see) led to my very first paper. During my master’s thesis I worked (together with Fabrizio Tavecchio and Gabriele Ghisellini at the Merate Observatory, near Milan) on understanding the properties of AGN jets on large scales – and by large, I mean hundreds of kiloparsecs or more, way beyond the edge of the galaxy hosting the central black hole. Historically, these sources have been observed in the radio frequency, and to this day they are generally referred to as “radio-loud AGN” – even though scientifically,…
Read More >>Exchange project: understanding jets from black hole X-ray binaries
Hi all, Over January and February, we had an exchange student, Wanga Mulaudzi from the University of Cape Town, come to Amsterdam to work with us on a new project. This project uses multiwavelength data from an outbursting black hole X-ray binary to model how the jet physics evolved during the outburst. With Wanga, we collated radio, mm, infrared and optical observations to trace the jet evolution, as well as X-ray observations to determine how the accretion flow was changing and driving the jet evolution. Due to the multiwavelength and multi-disciplinary nature of this project, this project included many of us in Sera’s group: myself, Matteo, Sera, Fe, Tobi, and…
Read More >>Tuning in to the powerful exhaust of the Active Galaxy 3C 111
With my post, I would like to summarize work that my colleagues and I published recently (Beuchert et al. 2019, A&A, 610, 32). Let me start with a general introduction to provide the necessary context needed to understand what “jets” are. One of the major open questions in astrophysics deals with the most powerful objects in the Universe. We find them in the very centers of so-called Active Galaxies, where we expect at least one very heavy black hole (a Million to a Billion solar masses) to reside. In the consequence of its attractive force combined with friction occurring within the dense matter in orbit around it, matter will slowly spiral…
Read More >>An oddly radio-bright accreting neutron star
Hi all, Firstly, I hope you all had a great holiday period! Over the Christmas break, I had a paper published in ApJ letters (links at the bottom of the page) that I thought I might summarise here. This paper was focused on the radio emission from a newly discovered X-ray transient called IGR J17591-2342. In this post, I want go through events in chronological order, which should show our thinking and highlight the reason for our paper. However, before I get too carried away, I first need to introduce something called the radio/X-ray correlation for accreting stellar-mass compact objects. There is a well-studied non-linear relationship between the radio and…